Saturday, June 16, 2012

Weigh In 6/16/2012

I Love This ^

Well Today was weigh in...Drum roll.....


4 lbs since last Saturday! Woo Hoo. 5 more pounds and I will see a one instead of a two on the scale...that's crazy!! I'm so excited!! 

Now that the weigh in is out of the way...

 Today was good, Me and Baby Michael went swimming....

And then we colored and played and me and Eric drove in to mesquite to take him home and went and had our splurge meal. Which by the way is super important! We do good all week and on one day, usually Saturday we go out to eat or cook a good meal. This helps to not binge or feel slighted for the week ahead. Then as we were getting groceries I made a silly, but neat discovery! Normally, as you walk out if you look up you can see the surveillance camera and you can watch yourself walk Well I would always look at myself and think how huge I looked, and eventually just wouldn't look....well today, I looked. And I looked Good....Its so simple, but I just smiled. Its these small things that really just help me along the way...

Until tomorrow...Pin It Now!

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